Modelling the LNWR in 4mm scale. “OO” gauge, EM and P4
Why three gauges?
Hornby Dublo was introduced in 1938 and followed in 1950 by Tri-ang Railways. These two events led to 4mm scale becoming by far the most popular scale in the UK. While most of the rest of the world embraced a scale of 3.5 mm to the foot (known as HO) in the UK our manufacturers adopted 4mm to the foot for everything except the track gauge (known as OO).
In 1955 the EM Gauge Society was formed to promote the use of 18mm gauge (later refined to 18.2mm) and in the 1960s the use of the exact scale 18.83 gauge (known as P4) was promoted, leading eventually to the formation of the Scalefour Society
So now we have three gauges, all using the same 4mm to the foot scale. Almost all ready to run models are made to OO standards but most can be converted to run in EM or P4. The two specialist societies are best placed to answer specific questions on conversion. Most locomotive & rolling stock kits can be built to OO, EM or P4 with varying degrees of effort.
We have tried to provide lists of all commercially available models to assist potential LNWR modellers. These lists also include out of production items, as these can often be found for sale on auction sites and at exhibitions and fairs. Click on the links below to see and download these lists.
Not long now until the Bachmann 4 mm scale 5oft corridor carriages arrive.
Four vehicle types make up the range, D.138 Tri-Composite, D.268 Third, D.316 Brake Composite/Third and D.377 Full Brake