The Journal

The Journal is the L&NWR Society’s premier publication. This quality A4 magazine is sent free to members four times a year. The Journal normally has about 40 pages with photographs, maps, drawings and colour where appropriate. The Editor encourages contributions from both members and non-members, with as broad a range of topics as possible, while staying focused on the London & North Western Railway.
The front and rear covers are usually taken from specially selected photographs, drawings or postcards that reflect the type of articles within. Here are some recent examples.

Back numbers of the Journal are available, but some issues sell out quickly. For availability and mail order information, consult your Members’ Newsletter or email
We welcome feedback on all matters. email  the Journal Editor

Our Journal covers a wide range of subject, often in great detail.  The journal is organised into volumes, we are currently on Volume 11.  Please click on the button to view or download an index